Ancestral Arts & Skills Immersion for Educators Class: Ages 18+

Maidu Activty Center 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr, Roseville, CA, United States

ENROLLMENT OPEN - SIGN UP HERE In this fast moving, 2-day workshop you will learn the basics of crafting unique cultural items using only the tools and materials of the past. You will make the tools, process the materials and learn the techniques of hand making a wide variety of culturally significant items that you...

Gifts from Nature Spring Break Camp April 14th – 18th

Maidu Activty Center 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr, Roseville, CA, United States

ENROLLMENT OPEN - SIGN UP HERE For Ages 8-12 - In this wide-ranging class, students will learn how raw materials from the local environment have been made into wearable beads and ornaments, musical instruments and amusements for millennia. Students, will cut, shape and sand natural materials using only stone and bone tools and will make,...

Decorated Double Cane Whistle Class May 17th

Maidu Activty Center 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr, Roseville, CA, United States

  ENROLLMENT OPEN - SIGN UP HERE   Ages 8-12 - In this class, students, using only stone tools, will learn to make a cane double whistle using a local reed and pine pitch. They will make string and tie it together on a neck cord then make beads from 2 different local materials to...

First Hunters Camp June 16 – 20th.

Maidu Activty Center 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr, Roseville, CA, United States

Learn how people from all over the world hunted before the bow and arrow. In this hands-on camp, kids will spend the week learning to make their own atlatl (spear thrower) and dart (spear), using only stone and bone tools from the past. They will practice throwing darts at a target every day and will...

Secrets of Ancient Arts Camp July 14th – 18th

Maidu Activty Center 1960 Johnson Ranch Dr, Roseville, CA, United States

Ages 8-12 - In this intensive camp, kids will learn how ancient peoples made the tools and gathered the raw materials to make a multitude of cultural arts. They will smash stones to make cutting edges, peel tree bark to tie tools together and split wood with antler to create their own cultural artifacts. Students...