Class and program list

Willow Deer Education: Explorations in Ancestral Arts

We bring our programs to you! Willow Deer Education was created to bring high-quality in-depth skills and history classes to your group and location. Children and adults will learn by making an array of art and culture items with their own hands using traditional tools and materials!

No need to travel. Receive these exceptional learning experiences for your group in the comfort and familiarity of known spaces. Outdoor locations are preferred as it is the natural world we want the kids to experience while making these wonderful items, but any clean and safe location can work: homes, patios, backyards, park picnic areas, school classrooms, activity rooms. If you don’t have access to a suitable, central location for your group, contact us for other gathering place options.

Family friendly. Parents and siblings are welcome to be there to observe.

Recommended ages: Minimum of 8 years old if they have good hand skills. No max age. We rely on your group coordinator to put together a mix which is good for you. Younger ages welcome if a parent is with them to complete the physical handwork that these projects require.

Class /program location requirements.  Recommended facilities: outside, picnic table or work table enough for all class participants and chair for each student. Indoors is okay with a floor that can get dirty with dust and be vacuumed or swept. Hand washing facilities. Restroom for the students/families/class.

Willow Deer Education: What makes our programs special.

Join us as we explore the creative arts of the past. Learn how our ancient ancestors, using only the materials from the natural world around them, made an incredible array of beautiful arts, toys, games, and music, full of meaning and spirit.

Our hunter gatherer ancestors lived close to the natural world, yet they made a wide array of beautiful art and culture objects. These classes offer a look into how and why they made these personal expressions of art using only the natural materials they would have had from the local environment in which they lived.

The tools, techniques and materials used in the Willow Deer Education programs are the result of thousands of hours of teaching experience with hundreds of kids and adults. All the information presented is based on both 30 years personal experience AND the most current archeological and anthropological research (see Chucks Bio). Most of the materials used in these classes are hand gathered, sourced, and processed which takes a great deal of personal time by the instructors. Many items such as acorns, willow branches and stones can be gathered locally, but many of the materials used in these classes have been carefully gathered, from distant locations or during exact seasons, and bones and feathers must be processed, cleaned, and prepped for use in these hand on classes. Most of these materials are simply not available for purchase. 

What to expect. Students will learn to use stone and bone tools, in some cases making the tools themselves from traditional materials to craft their own items. These are hands-on classes that routinely require vigorous effort on the part of the participants! Most participants can and do complete the projects in the time allowed. We do our best to give them the tools, knowledge and personal help to be successful, but their efforts are absolutely required.

In these hands-on programs students will learn about:

  • Nature, plants, animals, 
  • History, human culture, anthropology, archeology
  • Ecology, earth science, geology,
  • Physics, chemistry, biology
  • STEM lessons,

All within the framework of Ancestral Arts and skills. 

Program Options:

Campfire Crafts: cool toys and games to make from natural materials around your campsite! In this class families will see a samples of the many toys and games that can be made from materials around your campsite.

These 1-2 hour presentations give participants an opportunity to see and touch hundreds of replica artifacts reflecting the rich and diverse array of material culture items possible to create, using only hand gathered natural materials. Many items reflect the cultural materials of Indigenous peoples of the Sacramento foothill region.

A 1-2 hour hike through a mixed Oak and Gray Pine woodlands in the Roseville /Rocklin area. This hike will explore the unique Foothill environment that join the Sacramento Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains. The guide will explain the unique aspects and adaptations of the local native plant and animal communities that call this landscape home. It will also offer insights into how the local Indigenous Peoples utilized the abundant resources of this fertile, hilly landscape. 

The hike will conclude at a nearby City of Roseville Park for a bathroom and lunch break. Then a presentation of Maidu Indian cultural artifacts will be presented, and traditional games will be played. Total time with lunch break included 3 hours.

A morning hike combined with an afternoon skill class makes for a great day of in depth learning about natural history and our traditional human place in it. Contact us for more information about our hike and class combinations. 

Multiple day/week long camp options

Most of the above program listings can be combined by subject to create weeklong, half day after school camps or for home school groups. Below are some examples:

  • Making and using atlatls and darts, an ancient hunting system used before the advent of the bow and arrow.
  • Ancient Arts and Ornaments: overview of tools and materials used to make and decorate beads, ornaments, whistles, rattles, bull roarers, games and toys.
  • Ancestral Tools and Skills: focuses on the making of the tools and processing the natural materials to make a wide variety of toys, games, musical instruments, paints, and brushes.
  • Cave Painting 101: Learn to make all your own art materials by hand. Grind earth colors into paints, make charcoal to draw with, learn how to use fat lamps to light up the cave you are decorating. Learn to make handprints, draw, and paint animals and much more.